Slingshot Extreme Soft Shackles are stronger and SAFER thank steel shackles with comparable size. They come standard with a safety orange braided polyester jacket on gray a gray body coated with fiberlock giving them superior strength and abrasion resistance. These are extremely light weight and perfect for ATV's all the way up to dozers, skidders, loaders, combines, and mining equipment.
Sizing Chart:
5/16” 23,400 lbs. -- ATV, UTV, Garden Tractors
3/8” 35,000 lbs. – SUV, Jeep, Dune Buggy, Small Truck, Compact Tractor
9/16” 75,800 lbs. – Trucks, Service Trucks, 200hp Tractors, Semis
3/4” 137,000 lbs. – Heavy Duty Trucks, 300hp Tractors, Semis, Choppers, Combines
7/8” 185,200 lbs. – 400hp Tractors, Combines, Dozers, Skidders, Loaders
1” 220,000 lbs. – 600hp Tractors, Combines, Dozers, Heavy Machinery, Mining Equipment
Email us at sales@fullpullrope.com if you have any questions on sizing or use.