Samson Taurus Lifting Sling

Regular price $598.28

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Introducing Taurus Lifting Slings from Samson. These general-purpose lifting slings conform to ASME B30.9 and are tagged with WLL for vertical, basket, and choker configurations at a safety factor of 5. Taurus Lifting Slings utilize a strength-optimized HMPE core fabricated into a multi-loop sling, protected by braided HMPE chafe eyes and a high-vis braided polyester chafe body. Available with vertical WLL ranging from 30,000 lb. to 400,000 lb. and lengths from 10 ft. to 50 ft. (size dependent).

Excellent for multi-purpose lifting, Taurus Lifting Slings are loaded with value, combining tremendous weight savings over wire or chain with the simplicity of an eye-and-eye form factor.


High Strength and abrasion resistant cover. Lightweight and flexible.

Product Code: 807

Construction: Fabricated Multi-Loop Sling

Fiber (Core/Cover): HMPE/Polyester

Color: Neon Orange/Charcoal Black


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